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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

25 Days of Praise - Week 2!!

Oh boy - I typed this once already - and it was good - and then I deleted it accidentally :(  Let's try again!!

Here we are - week 2 of 25 days of praising your man!!  I must say Courtney @ Women Living Well had a terrific idea with this little challenge!!  We have a pretty incredible marriage - but after week one of truly focusing in on my husband and building him up has made our marriage even stronger!   In fact - this week - we have heard "Would you two STOP making out!" more than once from our teens as they have caught us catching kisses in the kitchen a few times!  We keep telling them "Just be HAPPY that your Mom & Dad love each other enough to show it!"  Their response "GROSS!".  Lol.  Sometimes we kiss just to annoy them ;-)

Here's what I figure.  Our marriage is a set up for them.  What they learn at home about marriage is what shapes what they want and expect and how to act themselves in a marriage.  Lavish each other with love, affection, grace, mercy, laughter - and they will learn what a happy and healthy marriage is.  Do the opposite - and they will grow up to expect a miserable and messy marriage.  It's your choice.  Set them up for a marriage God intended by keeping your own strong.

Here's what Courtney says for week 2:

Week 2 January 26th - This week we will be a little more creative with our praise. I will give you many ideas of fun things you can do to praise your husband such as surprising him with a love message on the mirror, a message packed in his lunch, using sidewalk chalk to write on the driveway, write a poem, making a toast to him at dinner with friends etc. Get creative with your selflessness!

Fun stuff coming up this week!!  I love to be creative!   I've already got some ideas floating around my head :)  I'll share them after I actually do them since my man reads my blog and I'd rather everything was a surprise.  I can't wait to see what Courtney suggests to expand my creativity a bit!

So - share with me - how did it go for you this week?  Are you making sure to praise your man every single day?  I hope so - 'cause this is lots of fun!!  

If you haven't jumped in yet - please do so now and make sure you let me know :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a new follower, I had to laugh at your post, You guys are exactly like my husband and I, we get that from our teenagers and we sometimes do kiss to tease our 14 year old who says "gross" all the time..I thought it was funny reading how someone else is like us!

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