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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fam Update!

I'm getting rather crappy at this regular blogging dealio.  I was doing so well for a while!

Anywho - thought I'd do a little update for any remaining readers I might have out there!

Let's see - we survived meningitis.  Oh yes, meningitis.  Viral.  Both kids.  So very much fun.  Little man missed a week of school and we've done nothing but fight with a teacher or two and the attendance ding dongs over his absence.  But - I have prevailed - work has been turned in - Dr.'s note has finally been accepted (at least as far as I know) and the attendance police (literally) have yet to show up at my doorstep.  Can you sense the sarcasm??  Sorry - but it was a very - very - long week plus of dealing with a lot of hassle.

Let's move on to happier subjects, shall we?  Marty & I remained healthy for the most part.  I managed to get some kind of throat thing for a couple of days - but nothing major.  Marty's working a lot - tutoring after school. It has been a God-send as we really needed the extra cash after the massive pay cut we've been dealing with since September.  I'm planning on going to work real shortly here - subbing. Ought to be interesting - that's for sure!  I'm playing a lot of clarinet which has been fun.

And that triggered a realization that I think I did all that updating just a few short posts ago.  Mmm hmmm.  I was told yesterday at orchestra I must be having senior moments and it will only get much - much worse. Thanks so much for that realization dearest friend Nancy!

I have nothing new to add to this post.  Wow.  Lame.  Super Lame.  Oh well.  I will try to come up with something a little more exciting tomorrow.

OH!!  I KNOW! I had a great opportunity this week to speak with a sex trafficking survivor!  We are developing a nice friendship and it's making me very excited to start working with the victims we will be meeting by the end of this year with The Daughter Project.  Also got an opportunity to share my testimony with a group of people that work with The Daughter Project via this blog and the TDP director Jeff.  He's a good guy - huge big heart and loves the Lord!  I'm praying about what my involvement will be exactly once the girls arrive.  So far, I work on the website & am technically on the Education committee although I really don't have much to do with that.  I'm thinking about working with the girls using music therapy.  I know nothing about it except it's what got me through my dark times so I'm going to do some research and see how that might help the girls God is bringing to us.  We'll put that music major to good use yet I tell ya!

I'm out - thanks for listening to my babble!!

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