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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Warning, your system has been infected

These are not words you want to see when you start up your computer.  Running a virus scan and so far, 6 viruses have been located on my computer.  My antivirus software is (I hope) on a seek and destroy mission - locate the virus, isolate it and then annihilate it.  That's what it's designed for anyway.

This got me thinking.  How nice it would be if I had one of these installed in my heart and my brain.  No, not for medical issues - but for spiritual ones. What if, when I awoke in the morning, a warning bell would sound, letting me know my system has been infected.  Letting me know things are not safe, not as they should be.

But wait - I DO have one of those.  It's called the Holy Spirit.  The word, worship, prayer, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ - all are part of my antivirus software package.  If I spend time with all of these things, then there will be a seek and destroy mission to annihilate anything that invades my soul.

The key to my free antivirus program is actually running it.  If I don't have it running, it doesn't do me any good.  Just like if I don't spend time in the word, in worship, in prayer, with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ - then how could I possibly be informed that something is running amuck spiritually in my system?

These past few days we've had the kids home on spring break - and I must admit - my time in the word and worship has suffered.  Because of that, my system is infected. With complacency, with a short fuse, with a lack of desire for time with my Savior, with a sense of lukewarm instead of being on fire.  It's time to run my antivirus program and get the viruses out of my system.

What about you?  Has your system been infected due to lack of time in God's word?  Or lack of time with God's people or prayer?  It's an easy fix - and free just like my antivirus program on my computer.  Just get in the word.  Spend time in prayer.  Throw on some worship music.  Get in church.  Let the antivirus program get rid of anything that is out to destroy your soul.  The sooner you do it, the less likely your system is to completely crash.

Off now to run my antivirus software.  Gonna dig out my bible and my prayer journal and get to work!  Anyone care to join me?

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