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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I love you, always - forever

One week from now will be the last official night Elyse will be home.  Sigh.  Too many emotions to deal with here and now.  I'm in denial and I'm gonna stay here until I get in the car and drive the 12 long hours back home.  Then I'll probably spend a few nights sleeping in her bed balling my eyes out - but, for now, a song.

When Elyse was just a little kid, we would sing this song super loud when we heard it.  I don't know if she remembers it - but we would yell it, especially in the car.  I remember looking back at her in the rear view mirror as we sang it together as she smiled and sang along.  I'll never forget.  Special memories.

And I just looked up the lyrics - and Lord knows I don't remember them the way they are - it's kind of a bad song!  We liked the chorus and would sing it to each other - so lets just share that part!!

I love you, always forever
Near or far, closer together
Everywhere I will be with you,
Everything, I will do for you (well, that's the way we would sing it - looking at the lyrics now, it says "Everywhere, I will devour you" - yeah, that's NOT what I remember!!)

Tis true.  No matter where she goes - no matter where life takes her - I will always love her.  

Sigh.  You know - you raise them - to give them wings to fly.  She's ready.  She's sooo very ready.  I have no worries, no fears, no concerns that she is not prepared for this moment in life.  She's more than prepared and God, in His goodness, has prepared me as well.  Yet - the moment I walk away from that dorm room -  I know this one is gonna hurt.

Anyway - thanking Jesus today for a special girl.  We sure are blessed.  She made our job as parents - easy.  She truly is/was a great and easy kid to raise.  I'm super duper proud of the Godly woman she is becoming.  She passionately loves Jesus.  She could care less what kind of money she makes in life - but she is gonna lead people to Jesus - and THAT, my dear friends, is so much more important than any dollar amount she could ever bring home.

Love you Lysie Bug - always and forever.

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