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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vacations all I ever wanted (with you)

I recently saw an article headline on yahoo that said something about taking separate vacations as a married couple will make your marriage stronger.  Yes, yes, my dear blog readers, I'm about to go off.

I consider my marriage to be one of the best.  Sometimes I feel bad saying that because I know a lot of marriages struggle.  Sometimes I feel like people will think I'm arrogant - or worse yet - lying - when I say that.  Yet, it's true.  I married an incredible guy.  We have a very solid marriage.  Is it perfect?  No.  He's a male, I'm a female and that alone is bound to bring in differences.  Do I wish he could read my mind so I didn't actually have to tell him when I'm annoyed?  Yeah, that would be wonderful :)  But in all seriousness - I'm a blessed chick and I could not be happier with my marriage.  I don't ever speak the word divorce and I never dream of what if's.

There are reasons we have a rock solid marriage.  Take separate vacations?  I mean come ON - WHY did you get married if you want to spend so much time apart??? Shoot - I'd be happy if we could just afford a vacation once in a while!!

Seriously.  I don't get couples that have his nights out and her nights out.  I'm sorry - I don't mean that's wrong or a bad thing.  It's not wrong to hang with your friends here and there.  Not at all.  Especially when the kids are little and you just need a break.  I'm talking about those couples who never seem to do ANYTHING together.  Where she's always with her friends and he's always with his and IF they spend any time together, they can't stand each other so why bother?  That is a world I just don't get.

If you want to see Marty and I fight - then the best thing to do is keep us apart for any length of time.  They say absence makes the heart grow fonder - but in our case - that's never worked.  If we start spending time apart, we end up getting really irritated with each other when we get back together.  Our flaws seem to stand out more than before.  We're short and snippy with each other.  The only time we fight seems to be when life causes us to spend a lot of time apart.

I LOVE time with my husband.  YES I DO!!  I could NOT think of anything better than to spend time with him!  He is my best friend.  My bff :)  My soul mate.  I have no clue what I would do without him.  No one can make me laugh or smile the way he does.  No one gets my sense of humor the way he does.  No one puts up with my flaws the way he does.  There is not a single person in this world I'd rather be with over him.

Can I say this?  Whoever wrote that article obviously does not have a very good marriage.  If you look FORWARD to time apart - then I'm sorry - something is wrong.  Seriously.  Vacation? Without my man?  That would just stink.  Totally stink.

Okay - end rant.  I'm good now.  The moral of THIS story is - take vacations WITH - not without - your spouse.  What you invest into your marriage is what you'll get out of it.  I promise you - you won't regret it.


DaNella Auten said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe, let's take a vacation together:) Anywhere with you is paradise. Love you.

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