Today was day 3 of subbing. I'm pleased to be finding subbing jobs every day ever since I was cleared to sub. I'm enjoying it far more than I thought I would, and I am not breaking out in hives like I feared. It has it's challenges and today I had my first bad afternoon.
Long story but suffice to say if given the option, I will not take 2nd graders again. Maybe it was just the class or day or whatever - but wow. Kids everywhere. One kid bouncing a big ball across the room, kids writing on the boards, kids playing in the water in the sink, kids fighting and arguing, entire class taking off and running away from me (and toward the main road) outside when they were supposed to stay with me, kids crying, CONSTANT tattling (which made me about NUTS!!), incessant talking, totally ignoring me when I spoke (and yelled), lying to me (and getting caught doing it) - if it could have gone wrong - it did. NOT GOOD. It was utter chaos. Nothing I tried worked. I would put out one fire only to have another one flare up on the other sideS of the room. I was lost - and very determined to never accept a 2nd grade room again!! But, happily, that's been the only negative day in subbing. I suppose, as far as subbing goes, that can be pretty normal.
Anywho. Here's what I need some advice about.
I can't do both. Be a Mom, the details for my own kids, the cleaning, the laundry, the yard, the cooking, shopping, bill paying, running to meets, games, daughters job, bible study, youth group, church, cooking. I'm exhausted and the last thing I want to do after a day like today is come home and work another 6 hours.
How do you do it? How do you manage to keep up with everything? For 17 years I have not worked full time AND had the whole family thing going on. Now I do and the problem is - I don't have the energy I had 17 years ago. I strongly dislike coming home to a trashed house, I hate coming home and trying to figure out what in the world we are having for dinner, I hate trying to start laundry at 9 at night or whatever. My kids are getting frustrated at all the things I keep forgetting I need to be doing for them.
I know, I sound like a whiny baby and women have been doing this forever. But not this woman. Maybe some of you out there have some simple suggestions on how to make my life a little easier - at least until I adjust to this crazy change :) I would appreciate anything - no matter how small it might be!
Thanks my faithful readers. I'm pulling my hair out over here!!
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Ok, yes, I stay home now, but I worked for many years :-) First of all, are you able to give yourself a day off during the week from subbing - meaning, commit to being available 4 days a week; sometimes that day off may be a Monday when you don't get a call and sometimes you might work Mon-Thursday and than take Friday off. This will allow you to get caught up on everything. As far as meals, I always had to have a menu planned the week before right down to the bread going with the meal. Make sure meals are easy and quick - you may want to take some time on a few Sundays to throw together items you can cook up quickly (cook Taco meat up ahead of time, or have speghetti sauce in the freezer). As far as laundry and cleaning house - I did it all on the weekends. You will have to learn to let some things go because, you are right, you can't do it all. This is the real time to set up the morning routine and the evening routine, you'll be amazed at how much that helps your day!
As far as the class - it sounds like it was the class. I subbed for a group like that once and it was horrible. Just make sure you don't take THAT class again.
Have your kids take care of themselves (I hope that doesn't come out wrong or sound rude). When we turned 12 - we had to start doing our own laundry - HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) If you want to eat, you make food. I understand that you want to take care of your children, but at the same time, it sounds like they are used to you doing EVERYTHING. They aren't babies anymore, they can handle a little responsibility, just give it to 'em :)
Is it possible you can set of limit of tutoring 2 to 3 days a week? This would allow you a couple of days to stay caught up with all the housework. When you work 5 days/week the chores always fall on the weekend. You really never have enough de-stress time, fun, relaxing time with the family.
If that's not possible then lowering expectations is the next best thing. The house doesn't need to sparkle at all times.
Enlist help... when I had little ones and had to work I hired a high school student to help me a few hours a week. She would help prep dinners so I could freeze them for the week... or sometimes she'd watch the kids while I did the prep.
As a teacher, I can tell you that some days are just chaotic. Don't be afraid to stop whatever you're doing and have the kids sit in a circle on the carpet for a discussion of boundaries, your expectations, etc. Don't forget to praise the positive things you've seen as well. Think of it as a group time-out, to calm down and regroup.
Hang in there... :)
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