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Friday, June 24, 2011

Social Justice

I was thinking today about all the wrong in the world and our response as Christians when I realized something.

I've been "trying" to lose weight for a long time.  I talk about it, I dream about it, I think about it (constantly).  But the reality is - I rarely DO anything about it - especially for any sustained period of time.

If your a regular reader of my blog, or someone I know personally - you know I take social justice seriously.  I love a good cause and I'm always ready for the next "fight".  But today I was feeling overwhelmed.  Much like the way I feel about my weight sometimes.  There's so much to do - but where in the world does one even begin?

My weight stresses me out and in the past few days - the wrong in the world - has stressed me out.  I'm not sure what it was about 3 days talking about sexual abuse and trafficking - but it sent me into a bit of a - I don't know if I'd call it depression - maybe we'll call it a state of being frozen.  Where to go from here.  Do I WANT to go anywhere in the first place?

Yet, at the same time, one thing I do not like is this.  I don't like when I see people - Christians especially - shake their heads at injustice, say "that's a shame" or "that's not right" or "it's not fair" - but then go home to their comfortable homes and their comfortable food and their comfortable, perfect, pretty little lives - and do nothing.  They feel - for a moment - sadness for those poor people "over there" or "in that situation" - but the truth of the matter is - they do not care enough to get mad enough to do enough.  For whatever reason - they too, choose to turn a blind eye to the grave injustice in this world.  I don't understand their reasoning but as with everything else - it's always best to check the mirror before you spend too much time pointing your finger at others.

Which brings me to this point.  For the past couple of days, I have felt stuck. Not sure where to go or what to do next.  Not sure I even wanted to proceed forward if three days took that much out of me.  Yet - I can't be that person who shakes my head and says "that's too bad" and walks away from it all.  Praise Jesus HE did not take that route - if He had - we'd all be sent straight to hell.

No, I want to do something.  I want to get out of my comfort zone and stop talking and start doing.  More than I am now.  It's not enough to talk about it, to think about it, to dream about it - it's only enough - and even then it's not - to do something about it.   To put feet to thoughts.  Action to dreams.  It's time to get dirty, to hurt, to break, to feel something - anything - for those not as fortunate as I.  It's time to start acting like Jesus - to talk to prostitutes, to eat with sinners, to sacrifice for all.

What does that mean?  I'm not sure yet.  I'm going to pray and I'm going to move forward where I know I have open doors.  Then we'll see where God takes me.

God has called us NOT to turn our heads but to be Jesus to this world.  It mattered to Him - and it should matter to us.

1 comment:

MelissaDaams said...

well... i have to disagree with your assessment of Christians "not doing anything"

When I say - that's too bad. or that's awful to sexual abuse... i'm not just turning a blind eye to it...

i don't participate in it!

There is not a whole lot one can do. In my situation, I have three small children at home, so it's not like I can go out and get involved in other people's lives, especially when you don't always know who it's happening, too.

Here is one thing that we do - do.
I ordered the book
"Those are my private parts" from Amazon - and we read it with our children. I want them to have a voice and to know - that their private parts are only for them... and they can say NO to anyone they know.

This is a great book because it tells a message through rhyme and the drawings are childlike - so they can identify with it.

It has also been a great way to open up communication about this tender subject with our children.

And don't think that you aren't doing anything... you are doing something Tami - you are keeping this blog and you have told your story and that is a huge thing!!!

I gotta tell ya, I really respect you. I respect you so much because I, as a Christian who has never been abused and I've never really had a lot of trouble in life - I have to work really hard sometimes to feel the Savior in my life...

(maybe some Christians who grow up in a certain church take it for granted... i don't know)

but you - you went through something incredibly difficult and you feel the love of the Savior and it really means something to you - it's real. And I know it because I've read your words. And that means something to me.

I really appreciate your openness, honesty, and your testimony of Christ...

so even though you don't know what you are going to do...

you've already done something.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. Have a nice day :)

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