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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Scripture Memorization Update

Well folks, I failed miserably on my first week.  Well - not miserably - but I didn't do as well as I wanted.

Having said that - looking for some suggestions.  It was recommended in the book I got this idea from to use post it notes.  I did that - put them on my mirror in my bathroom and above my desk.  But I found after a while, it was easy to overlook them and I ended up not spending the time working on them that I thought I would.  They just kind of blended together after a while.  I had the first 10 up - maybe that was part of the problem?  Wondering if I shouldn't try to conquer so many in a week.  Maybe one a day or something?

Here's a picture that shows how I had them on my wall.

Do you have any thoughts?  What works for you? 

I think part of my problem is I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.  I'm not satisfied with learning "just" one verse a week or a day or whatever.  I want to learn all 100 - NOW!  Maybe I need to get over that....

Anywho - would love for LOTS of comments on how to do this practically.  I'll take any and all suggestions por favor :)

Gracias Amigos!

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