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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Give Thanks - Day 12

Day 12 of giving thanks!  Up until yesterday, this was easy.  Now I can think of things I'm thankful for - yet they sound shallow and materialistic.  I'm thankful for my house, for my food, for my camera, for a warm bed, Yankee candles - you know - stuff like that.

But I wanted this to be about more - not just the simple or easy things to be thankful for.  I wanted to dig deeper and figure out what is in my life that is worth more than all the surfacy stuff.  The deep blessings Jesus gives. 

So - what will it be today?  What am I thankful for today?

Today - I'm thankful for difficult times.  The bible says to give thanks - in everything - right?  Everything?  Everything. 

It's those tough times that drive me to my knees.  It is when I am at the end of myself that I remember I need Jesus.  I don't think I would be half the person today if not for the times when life threw me on my face.

I'm thankful for the tough people - those who I have had to restrain myself, quite literally, at times, from smacking their faces off.  (lol - yes, I did just say that!!).  Thankful that those people made me work on my patience, made me turn to God for justice instead of taking matters into my own hands.  Those people helped chisel off some rough edges.  Remind me I said this next time I'm dealing with a tough person :)

I'm thankful for tough choices.  I'm thankful for financial hardships because I have seen the hand of God in them.  I'm thankful for the times I've wanted for something materialistic I just could not have because they showed me what was truly important in life.  I'm thankful that I am still growing in this area - it's a battle and it will always be a battle - but I am thankful that in the battle, I am growing, bit by bit, piece by piece.

I'm thankful that the hand of God always wipes away my tears.  I'm thankful that His loves is big enough to cover all my sin.  I'm thankful that even when tough times drive me to my knees and I am angry at Him for them - I'm thankful that He is big enough to handle my anger.  I'm thankful when I cry out to him and the answer is not what I want to hear - He still walks me through the darkness.

What about you - what difficult things are you thankful for?

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