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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

41 in 41 part 2

Yesterday we came up with 10 things to add to my new list that will start at the end of this month.  Here's some more:

11.  Go to the local community college and see how close I am to a parapro degree.  I have like 90 credits or 120 credits or something - can't remember at the moment.  It's gotta count for SOMETHING!  I don't know what category to put this under - but it's a goal.

12.  Do something I've never done before.  I don't know what this will be - but something brand new.

13.  Drink more water.  I'm a dew addict.  I did succeed in going 60 days without pop last year once.  I'm back on the dew.  I need to be better about less dew and more water.

14.  Saw this somewhere and thought - that's a GREAT idea!  It said to throw away one item from your house a day.  Now, I'm pretty clutter free - I tackled that monster a long time ago.  However.  There is STILL a lot of clutter (or maybe I just need a bigger house - lol!)  especially in the attic.  So - maybe not an item a day - that's a lot of focus when I don't always have time to think on it.  Let's see, what's a good goal?  How about throw away 3 items a week?  What would that mean?  Like 156 items.  That's much less clutter.

15.  Get my eyes checked.  Seriously.  I finally caved and bought reading glasses at Walmart last week and WOW - what a difference in my ability to see anything I read.  However.  Every time I look to the left or the right while I'm wearing them, I feel like throwing up.  Is that normal?  It literally takes me like an hour after taking them off to feel well again.  It's weird.  Contacts are out - I have allergies.

16.  Are you ready for this one?  REALLY ready?  Okay.  Here it goes.  I have to figure out how to make this tangible - but I am, by far, my own worst critic.  The negative self-talk in my head - you would be shocked.  I need to stop that.  I would appreciate any and all suggestions in this area.

17.  It looks like I'm going to have an opportunity to speak on sexual abuse to some health classes in a public school setting.  It's not set in stone yet - but a teacher we know does a unit on sexual abuse and it was suggested to them to have me come in and speak on it.  I'd really like to do this.  We all know how terrified I am of speaking publicly - however - this is a room full of teens.  I substitute teach and stand in front of rooms full of teens all the time.  I'd like this to happen.  I'm secretly terrified - but I think it's a brilliant idea on the part of the teacher.  Not having ME speak necessarily - but doing a unit on abuse.  It's a great way to raise awareness and I'm glad I might get to be a part of it.  So - as far as the goal goes - this one is not necessarily in my hands - but it is something I would like to do this year.

18.  Re-do my kitchen floor.  It's disgusting.  Beyond disgusting.  The floor is sloping, the tiles are peeling and no matter how much I clean it - it still looks like I've done nothing.  I have no idea how we are ever going to afford this in the land of college payments - but - maybe by some miracle, we can make this happen.  I'm not picky as far as what it is - I just want it done for the pure cleanliness of it all.

19.  Keep working on my book.  I didn't get that far last year.  This is one I've put to prayer.  I want it to be a God-thing.  God in it's timing, God in it's message.  Is this the year that I might move forward on it?  I don't know, we'll see.

20.  Family pics.  Never got around to it last year.  It's important and it's time!

Half way there!  21 more goals to come up with.  Hmmm!  Gonna have to think on it a little longer.  Still have a couple of weeks so we're safe!

What about you?  Do you have any goals for this year?  What are some of yours?  I would love to hear them.  Maybe you'll inspire me.

1 comment:

Jackie Koll said...

The glasses thing is pretty normal. Anytime I get new glasses, they bother me for weeks especially since I wear my contacts 99% of the time. Your eyes have to get used to those lenses :-)

What about a painted floor? If it is sloping, it sounds like you might need to put a new subfloor down anyway, so than you could paint a pattern on it, seal it, and have a one of a kind floor. You would want to spend a little more on the boards than normal - - check out pinterest for ideas (I can send you an invite if you don't have one) - you may come across some great, cheap ideas.

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