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Friday, October 14, 2011

Dance with the devil

Be happy, you didn't get this post last year.

But - this year - you are getting the post :)

October is upon us.  My least favorite holiday, Halloween, is fast approaching (stick with me people, stick with me).  I don't watch tv hardly ever anymore so I can't comment on how downhill the programming has gone this month ;)  Lucky you!!

No, actually, this post is not going to be a slam on Halloween - well - depending on your perspective.  But - I'm going to do something I don't think I've done here before and that's to share my personal reasons for disliking Halloween as much as I do.  I'll spare you the history lesson as to why I think that as Christians, we should steer clear of the Halloween madness and just share with you why I've made the decision not to celebrate Halloween.

I'm trying, I'm really trying people!!

When I was growing up, my Dad thought the Ouija board was "fun".  He also enjoyed horror flicks and we watched them a lot - The Shining, The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street - you name it, I think I probably saw it.  We did the whole Halloween thing.  My father found it "amusing" to scare us at every possible turn.  I became afraid of "things that go bump in the night."  I would try to use my mind to move things.  I remember being afraid of shadows.  I remember feeling like the door would close, like a chair would be on top of the table none of us had put there (quite sure that was in one of the movies).  I had horrific nightmares of satanic rituals that I still, to this day, remember with great clarity.  At times, I could literally feel an evil presence in the room.  Call me crazy - but this is my experience.

I don't remember after I left home at what point I decided to stop watching horror flicks once it became my choice.  The Ouija board was freaky so I never touched that thing - yet I was still drawn.  Eerily drawn to things like that - horoscopes (yes, I went there), future telling, I don't know - it just had a pull on me I can't explain.  It terrified me - and it pulled me.

Well into my marriage, I was afraid - especially at night.  I would wake up crying, shaking, and sometimes screaming from the nightmares.  I could feel evil - sense it.  When Marty and I were dating, I specifically remember an incident of swearing someone was in the room with me when we were staying at his parents house.  At some point in the night, I woke up with "something" (aka demon) in my face.  I was not asleep - I was awake - held down, choking with fear.  I remember finally sprinting to Marty's room to wake him up.  It was real and I was not delusional.

We celebrated Halloween when the kids were little.  I didn't see anything wrong with it.  I thought as long as I didn't dress my kids up like the devil, a ghost, or something evil and scary - then I was in the clear.  No big deal, it's all in fun.  No one is going to hell over it, right?  It's not like we're worshipping satan or anything. (oh how rich I would be if I could collect on every time someone throws that in my face)  There's nothing in the bible about it, is there? 

Okay, back to my personal reflection.  Yes - there IS something in the bible about it - but for now, we'll move along.

I remember when Elyse was just a baby - maybe 3 - we went to visit some friends.  He was from England - and in England - if I remember correctly - Christians don't celebrate Halloween (hmm, I'm not alone).  I thought he was crazy.  He was gracious about it - said the kids were adorable and all that - but it was a seed planted.  Then, we moved here and another friend shared with me they didn't celebrate Halloween either.  At this point, I began to research and what I learned astounded me.

Finally, after much deliberation, Marty and I decided we were no longer celebrating Halloween.  It was not a popular decision.

The change was dramatic and fast.  Suddenly, I stop being afraid of the night.  I began to learn how to shut the devil out of my sleep.  The bible says God/Jesus will give us rest - and He does.  I learned how to quote scripture in my dreams.  I prayed over our home.  Within 6 months, the nightmares stopped, I stopped waking up to demons in my face and the paralyzing crushing fear was over.

I still sense evil.  I still know when Satan is about to mess with me.  This past year, I was staying somewhere and literally saw something walk across the room that wasn't there.  I knew what was going on.  So did the dog - strangely enough - she went balistic.  Well - when satan messes with me now, it ticks me off - so I  prayed.  Out loud.   Quoted scripture.  This went on for 2 nights - and finally on the third, no more.  I don't mess around and I am not afraid.  I wouldn't say it's "enjoyable" - but I'm not afraid.

Call me crazy people - but if you believe in Jesus - then you have to believe there is a satan.  If you believe in Heaven - then you have to believe there is a Hell.

Now I'll be straight up with you.

Don't dance with the devil.  How do we do this?  Let me lay it out for you.

1.  We watch horror flicks - filling our minds with evil.
2.  We get our palms read, play with tarot cards - the bible is very clear - steer clear.
3.  We read our horoscope.  Only God knows the future.
4.  We play with Ouija boards.  Dance with the devil.
5.  And now I'm going to say it - we celebrate Halloween.  We give satan glory by giving celebration to the day created by him and for him.  We offer up our birthday cakes, sing our songs, while satan blows out our candles - our light that is supposed to shine bright in the darkness. 

I know this post will not make me popular.  Plenty of people disagree.  I've heard it all.  I'll lose followers over this post and probably friends.  I know some very close people who will shake their heads at me or say "well that's fine for you but it doesn't apply to everyone"  or "well we don't mean anything by it - it's just all in good fun!" I can't convince you - only you can take it to the Lord but I will say this.

Satan is not welcome in my home.  My kids don't have gory nightmares because we don't dance with the devil.  My kids aren't tempted by horoscopes or Ouija boards because we don't dance with the devil.  Sleep, in our home, is free of fear - because we don't dance with the devil.  My kids know the rock on which they stand.  They know the power of scripture.  They know the KING that reigns - because we don't dance with the devil.

I would encourage you - highly and strongly encourage you - to put this one to prayer.  I would encourage you to do some research on Halloween - it's history, it's intent.  I believe satan gets a great laugh on this day.

One more thing and then I'll go.  Please don't leave me stupid comments asking me if I celebrate Christmas or if my kids believe in Santa.  I've heard that too.  I'm not going to explain all that here or anywhere.  Read, research - pray.  Then come back to me and we can talk.  I believe once you do those things, you will have a greater appreciation of where I'm coming from - and maybe - if I can say it - maybe you'll change your mind too.

Thanks for sticking with me.  I would apologize for offending - but this one is too serious for me to do that.  I've danced with the devil people - and satan is not a very good partner.

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