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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moxie Blogging

Yesterday I picked up a book from the library called "Blogging with Moxie". I haven't had a chance to read it  yet - but I liked the "smartness" of the title.  My Father used to call me a smart BEEP (sorry - how else do you say it without saying it??) when I was a teen.  Despite his inability to parent - I probably was.  I learned from the best, after all :-)

When my hubby saw the title of the book - he said "Like you need THAT!".  I guess he thinks I'm full of  Moxie :-)

If you google ways to make your blog unique - this is advice you will read.  Stand out, be different - be CONTROVERSIAL.  I'm good at that, actually - but being good at that has lost me friends in the past - so I've tried to stay a little more friendly in recent years and a little less Moxie-ish.

Truthfully - I'm a little Moxie gun-shy.  If I unleashed several topics of conversation that float through my head - well I'm just not sure the world is ready for my moxie :-)  And no - I'm not speaking of anything illegal (for the most part - KIDDING!) or ungodly - so relax. Okay, maybe a little ungodly but not as in - geesh I'm digging myself a bigger hole.  I'm talking about how I feel about certain people, certain situations, certain politics, certain ways of thinking, certain stupidities that other people pull.  Better be careful, my moxie is about to show.   

Which reminds me of a time when my Moxie got me in trouble.  Several years have passed and this person no longer reads my blog - so I feel free to share.  I had been writing about a neighbor child insistent on making my child's life miserable.  Bully type situation.  Punched my kid in the nose.  I was expressing my frustrations about trying to talk to the parent about his unruly son.  No need to re-hash the situation - but out of the blue - a faithful reader sent me a super-de-duper long e-mail telling me exactly what she thought of my airing my neighborly frustrations in such a public setting.  Apparently, I was acting incredibly ungodly and the flames of hell were burning at my doorstop.  Funny - I didn't feel any conviction over it - but must be she did - and she let me know all about it.

Being full of Moxie requires Moxie-proof skin.  If you share your Moxie with the world, you might just take a little criticism.

It would be easier to be a Moxie type of person.  Honestly - it's in my genes.  I can spout off without any problem most of the time.  However.  As much as it might bring me all kinds of blogging traffic - I'm not sure it's the attention I need at this point in my life.

For now we shall remain - for the most part - Moxie-free.  Of course - Moxieness is not something you can always hide - so an occasional Moxie post may find it's way on my page every now and then...

Which brings me to my final Moxie point.  If you don't like it - no one is forcing you to read it.  Move along my non-Moxie reader.  That's my Moxi advice :-)

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