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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Unexpected

I had an awesome time at the grocery store today.  Which, is ironic, since the grocery store is my least favorite place to be.

Sometimes God gives you something unexpected.  I write about this moment because it so touched my heart.  I am not writing it for you to think I am wonderful or anything special.  I write when I'm moved - and today - I was moved.

I was standing in the ...  oops - can't share which aisle because I was shopping for a little surprise I have planned for my hubby.  All of the sudden, someone was talking to me - real close like.  I barely turned and there stood a young man - probably in his 20's - at least 6'5 and over 300 pounds.  I'm not a small woman and this guy towered over me.  Normally in that situation, I would have backed up, gotten behind the cart - anything to put distance between us.  I don't like people standing very close - especially large men who weren't there 5 seconds before!

He had snot running down his fact.  He was distraught.  He had a 2 liter of pop in his hands and it was all shaken up and ready to explode.  He looked at me with eyes that bore through me and landed deep in my soul.  I couldn't take my eyes off him - but not because I was afraid.  He mumbled something to me that at first, I didn't understand and then he asked again for money.  It seems he had lost his bus money and had no way home.

Praise the Lord, I had in change what he needed - just barely.  I handed it to him, he looked as if he was going to cry.  He said thank you and walked away.  I stood there for a few seconds, gathering my wits, trying to hold it together.  The shaken up pop kept getting to me - and after a few moments, I decided God wasn't finished yet - so I went and found him at the front counter.  I asked if he was all set and able to call the bus.  He said yes, thank you, thank you and walked away. I ran into him again in the pop aisle where he was grabbing a new 2 liter.  Thank you, Thank you he said as he walked away again.

I kept him in my eyesight to see if he was okay.  I didn't want to scare him or make him think I was following him.  It was obvious he was not all together there.

I left the store, totally forgot what I was there for.  He was sitting on the bench outside waiting for a bus when I drove by.  I'm not sure God was finished just yet.  I'm still debating as I type this now.  I wanted to offer him a ride home or somewhere - but I knew that wasn't safe.  He had food so I didn't know if I should have bought him some lunch.  I wonder if I should have sat with him outside until the bus came, just to make sure.

Anyway - it was, quite literally, the best shopping experience I have ever had.  Maybe you say that it was a good thing I was there.  No - I'm glad he was there.  The encounter was not for him - it was for me.  I needed to be reminded of those who need our help.  I needed to be reminded that it's NOT all about me.  I needed to be reminded that even here, in my little middle class world, there are those in need of the love of Jesus.  I needed to be moved to act once again.  I have been complacent.  It's time to move.

This is my way of saying thank YOU to the young man I met today.  May God bless you and keep you safe.  May He clear your mind and feed your soul.  May the change you received today be blessed by abundance in your life.  I hope we meet again some day.  Thank you for having the courage to ask when in need.  It's more than I can say for myself.  Thank you.

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