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Monday, April 4, 2011

Sleepless Musings

Long time, no post.  I have to admit, this is a frustrating thing for me.  Sometimes I seem full of things to say - other times - not so much.

Anywho - It's 5:45 am and I find myself wide awake with little man who is having trouble sleeping tonight/today which gives me time to ponder.  For the past couple of nights, I've woken up with these crazy ideas in my head about different things I could do for the kingdom.  It's left me with a few questions.

I've been praying God would speak to me.  In dreams, in visions, in the word, through other people - I don't really care - I just long to hear Him speak.  I don't know about you, but I find His silence at times frustrating.  I'm perfectly content with moving through life knowing His voice - and when I feel like I'm flapping in the wind somewhat, I grow weary.

So - when I wake up with some crazy thing floating through my head - I wonder - God?  Or sleep deprivation? Or just something that is a "good" idea and not a "God" idea?  Or what?  So I ask God for confirmation if it's Him.  And still nothing.

What about you?  Do you ever come up with "brilliant" ideas and wonder - is that God?  If so - what do you do about it?  I'd love some input.  I've got 2 particularly crazy ones.  One not too difficult, yet still insane, and one more idea I'm just not sure I'm capable of.  God, good or sleepless insanity?  How do you figure this one out?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... um. Yeah. I do this all the time. Lol... :)

I've got lots of ideas on the back-burner right now- one in particular that I'm really hoping is a God-thing.

God speaks to me lots in dreams, occasionally in visions, all the time in the still-small-voice, and He usually confirms and reconfirms through the Word.

I've got a fleece out before Him right now concerning timing on something that I felt was definitely a God-idea. Is this a God-idea for now? Or for later? I sometimes struggle to discern the right times/seasons, you know? So, it's out before Him, and I'm just trusting He'll show me when/if the time comes.

Ah. I love that we actually get to enjoy relationship with God. Back and forth between us and Him - His ideas becoming part of us - our ideas being reshaped and reworked according to His purposes... It's fun. It's dynamic! It's an exciting ride with Jesus! :)

Love you, Tami!

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